Ricky Jinks and Olu Alatise announced as the next OUR HOUSE Curators

The Picture is a pair of headshots of Ricky Jinks and Olu Alatise

Ricky Jinks & Olu Alatise

East London Dance to hand over control of the Talent House to dance creatives Ricky Jinks and Olu Alatise to curate two week-long programmes of activity to celebrate their dance communities.

We’re delighted to announce Ricky Jinks and Olu Alatise as the curators for the next two iterations of OUR HOUSE.

OUR HOUSE is an East London Dance programme Supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Arts Council England, in which the organisation hands over creative control of its building and programme to an independent artist, producer or collective to curate a week of activity that supports and celebrates their communities. Each curator responds to the themes embracing, educating and empowering through their programme.

The creatives are awarded with a curator fee; a £5,000 programming budget; space for the week (that includes two dance studios); event staffing; alongside production, marketing and professional development support.

Tia Hassan and Kate Scanlan, Join CEOs, East London Dance said “We are passionate about OUR HOUSE and the wealth of creativity that ripples outward from it. Artists get the opportunity to showcase their vision with funding and producing support, and in turn their communities have opportunities to engage that might not usually exist. In a post pandemic world, it’s critical that we’re creating employment opportunities as well as building skills to respond to a wide range of creative briefs, not just the traditional ones. OUR HOUSE is a highlight on our calendar.”

From 18 – 24 November 2024, Company Jinks founder Ricky Jinks curates Mindful Movement Festival merging dance training with holistic, wellness and embodiment practices, to allow participants to experience ‘Returning Home’ to their body.

Ricky Jinks saidThe intention for this event is to bridge the gap between the dance world and the wellness, mindfulness, healing world. It asks how we can use dance in a deeper way to connect to the body. Plus, with the week culminating in our Queer Club event it is going to be a lot of fun!”

From 10 – 16 March 2025, AfroQueens founder Olu Alatise curates a celebration of African dance culture, including Afro Dance workshops for all ages; an all styles, all female battle to African music; a podcast style panel discussion with women who are trailblazers within the Afro Dance community; and authentic food and work from African designers will anchor the culture experience.

Olu Alatise said “My vision for OUR HOUSE is to curate an experience that embodies what AfroQueens stands for. Participants are welcome from all walks of life to experience a way to learn, enjoy and experience the African dance culture.”

Maren Ellermann, Artist Support Producer, East London Dance said “We are thrilled to have these two incredible artists taking over our building and inviting their communities and the general public into these exceptionally curated takeovers. Both proposals blew us away, they represent important cultural touchstones to our local artistic communities, and we are delighted to be supporting Ricky, Olu and their companies to bring these celebrations of dance and culture, and our building, to life”.