Mindful Movement Festival

Company Jinks – Image by Nona Duch Aparicio

Mindful Movement Festival: Returning Home

A Company Jinks Takeover

From 18 – 24 November 2024 Ricky Jinks and Company Jinks took over the Talent House for an incredible seven days of dance and wellbeing exploration and community coming together to share knowledge, skills, creativity and joy.

Queer Club – Jason Yip and Sari Mizoe. Image by Emily Almodovar (Moves Studio

It was by far the biggest OUR HOUSE takeover of the Talent House – with 177 participants attending 992 times across 39 workshops, classes and sessions – and delivered on its promise to allow attendees to experience ‘Returning Home’ to their bodies. This was achieved through a vast range of offerings across the week all rooted in Company Jinks’ ethos of love, community and connection.

Queer Club – Zach Parkin and Manon Servage. Image by Emily Almodovar (Moves Studio

The festival included Holistic Workshops for those interested in exploring a deeper relationship with movement and the body; New Skills Classes including Breaking, Vogue, Salsa, Popping and Afro Dance, open for all, with no previous experience needed; Choreography Classes for intermediate and advanced level dancers; and Methods for intermediate and advanced level dancers which invite a deep dive into each presenting artist’s movement method.

Queer Club – Sharanya. Image by Emily Almodovar (Moves Studio

The festival culminated in the Queer Club – a performance celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community by 10 incredible queer artists.

Video by Shokirie Amar Tyler Clarke (Moves Studio

OUR HOUSE is an East London Dance programme supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Arts Council England which hands over creative control of our programming to independent artists and collectives for a week at a time, to make the decisions within our artistic offer and curate activity at our home, the Talent House.

Mindful Movement Festival was a Company Jinks OUR HOUSE Takeover presented by East London Dance.