Leap of Faith – Dance for over 60s

Fridays, 9:45-11:45am in-person

Elixir Festival, 2019. Photo: Ellie Kurttz

Leap of Faith is an open dance class for older people. They meet weekly and over the years have worked with a range of top choreographers and performed at fantastic venues, including Stratford Circus Arts Centre, City Hall, the Southbank Centre, Sadler’s Wells and Trafalgar Square.

Our Leap of Faith Classes are currently over subscribed. If you have any enquiries regarding classes please contact classes@eastlondondance.org 

Since Autumn 2021 East London Dance have delivered Leap of Faith in partnership with English National Ballet. Through this partnership we are delighted to be further improving physical and mental wellbeing, signposting more people to older adults’ programmes and providing participants with subsidised ENB event tickets, that include access behind the scenes and to inspiring talks from the production’s creative professionals.

For Autumn Term 2024, Leap of Faith will be housed at English National Ballet’s home the Mulryan Centre for Dance for our in-person weekly class.

Under the direction of Molly Wright, Leap of Faith challenges the preconceptions around older dancers and aims to profile their work alongside other high-quality, professional dance companies.

The class is for open-minded people who want to learn exciting dance styles, meet new people, perform, and of course… have fun!

Spring term classes will take place every Friday at the Talent House, 3 Sugar House Lane, London, E15 2QS.

Session details:

Fridays 17 January – 28 March 2025 (no class 21 Feb).
Check in: 9:45am
Class: 10-11:30am
Feedback: 11:30-11:45am

Our classes are currently over subscribed, please email classes@eastlondondance.org to enquire about future terms.


Leap of Faith, founded by East London Dance, delivered in partnership with English National Ballet



Photo: Belinda Lawley

Photo: Belinda Lawley

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LevelOPEN LEVEL for older people aged 60+

TimeFridays, 9:45-11:45am in-person

Term DatesFridays 17 January - 28 March 2025 (no class 21 February)

Location The Talent House
3 Sugar House Lane
E15 2QS



£36 for 10 sessions


Tickets are unavailable as the programme is currently over subscribed.

Leap of Faith, founded by East London Dance, delivered in partnership with English National Ballet


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